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ioc_framework configs

All configuarable parameters are listed below.

name description default
CORNERSTONE_PACKAGE_PATH cornerstone path "./cornerstone"
API_PREFIX all api prefix, usual for version, such as "v1" ""
ROUTER_MOUNT_AUTOMATED if router mounted automatically True
HIDE_ENDPOINT_CONTAINER_IN_API if endpoint container folder name showed in API False
HIDE_ENDPOINT_IN_API if endpoint name showed in API Flase
HIDE_ENDPOINT_IN_TAG if endpoint name showed in tag False
PRE_ENDPOINT_SETUP external pre endpoint setup None
POST_ENDPOINT_SETUP external post endpoint setup None
PRE_ENDPOINT_TEARDOWN external pre endpoint teardown None
ASYNC_PRE_ENDPOINT_SETUP external async pre endpoint setup None
ASYNC_POST_ENDPOINT_SETUP external async post endpoint setup None
ASYNC_PRE_ENDPOINT_TEARDOWN external async pre endpoint teardown None

These configs are set before ioc framework initialization.

from fastapi import FastAPI
from loguru import logger
from example.cornerstone.config import (APP_NAME, APP_VERSION, API_PREFIX,

from fastapi_hive.ioc_framework import IoCFramework

def get_app() -> FastAPI:"app is starting.")

    fast_app = FastAPI(title=APP_NAME, version=APP_VERSION, debug=IS_DEBUG)

    def hive_pre_setup():"------ call pre setup -------")

    def hive_post_setup():"------ call post setup -------")

    async def hive_async_pre_setup():"------ call async pre setup -------")

    async def hive_async_post_setup():"------ call async post setup -------")

    ioc_framework = IoCFramework(fast_app)
    ioc_framework.config.CORNERSTONE_PACKAGE_PATH = "./example/cornerstone/"

    ioc_framework.config.API_PREFIX = API_PREFIX
    ioc_framework.config.ENDPOINT_PACKAGE_PATHS = ["./example/endpoints_package1", "./example/endpoints_package2"]
    ioc_framework.config.ROUTER_MOUNT_AUTOMATED = True
    ioc_framework.config.HIDE_ENDPOINT_CONTAINER_IN_API = True
    ioc_framework.config.HIDE_ENDPOINT_IN_API = False
    ioc_framework.config.HIDE_ENDPOINT_IN_TAG = True
    ioc_framework.config.PRE_ENDPOINT_SETUP = hive_pre_setup
    ioc_framework.config.POST_ENDPOINT_SETUP = hive_post_setup
    ioc_framework.config.ASYNC_PRE_ENDPOINT_SETUP = hive_async_pre_setup
    ioc_framework.config.ASYNC_POST_ENDPOINT_SETUP = hive_async_post_setup


    def get_root():
        return "Go to docs URL to look up API: http://localhost:8000/docs"

    return fast_app

app = get_app()

cornerstone hooks

The framework provides abstract parent classes (CornerstoneHooks & CornerstoneAsyncHooks), every cornerstone instance must setup hook instace inherited from the parent classes, and can use dependency objects of parent classes.

the following is the visibility of dependency objects regarding to each hook.

hook name app cornerstone request app_state request_state
pre_endpoint_setup Yes Yes No Yes No
post_endpoint_setup Yes Yes No Yes No
pre_endpoint_teardown Yes Yes No Yes No
post_endpoint_teardown Yes Yes No Yes No
pre_endpoint_call Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
post_endpoint_call Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

If the visibility of one dependency object is Yes to one hook, i.e. this dependency can be used in the hook.

dependency objects are injected by framework, each object has its meaning like below:

name meaning
app the instance of FastAPI
cornerstone the meta data of the cornerstone that hook belong to
request the incoming http request object
app_state this cornerstone's state in app.state, hook can set key with value in this dict, and it can be accessed by['']['key'] in router implementation.
request_state this cornerstone's state in request.state,hook can set key with value in this dict, and it can be accessed by request.state.cornerstones['']['key'] in router implementation.

please check in the code for usages.

either of sync or async mode can be used.

hooks can be set in cornerstone init file.


import logging
import time
from fastapi_hive.ioc_framework.cornerstone_hooks import CornerstoneHooks, CornerstoneAsyncHooks
from example.cornerstone.db.implement import Base, create_all_tables, add_db_middleware
from fastapi import FastAPI
from starlette.requests import Request
from fastapi_sqlalchemy import db

__all__ = ['Base']

class CornerstoneHooksImpl(CornerstoneHooks):

    def __init__(self):
        super(CornerstoneHooksImpl, self).__init__()

    def pre_endpoint_setup(self):
        print("call pre setup from cornerstone db!!!")

        add_db_middleware(, self.cornerstone)

        self.app_state['db'] = db

    def post_endpoint_setup(self):
        print("call post setup from cornerstone!!!")


    def pre_endpoint_teardown(self):
        print("call pre teardown from cornerstone!!!")

    def post_endpoint_teardown(self):
        print("call pre teardown from cornerstone!!!")

    def pre_endpoint_call(self):
        print("call pre endpoint call from cornerstone!!!")

        self.request_state['db'] = db

    def post_endpoint_call(self):
        print("call post endpoint call from cornerstone!!!")

class CornerstoneAsyncHooksImpl(CornerstoneAsyncHooks):

    def __init__(self):
        super(CornerstoneAsyncHooksImpl, self).__init__()

    async def pre_endpoint_setup(self):
        print("call pre setup from cornerstone async!!!")

    async def post_endpoint_setup(self):
        print("call post setup from cornerstone async!!!")

    async def pre_endpoint_teardown(self):
        print("call pre teardown from cornerstone async!!!")

    async def post_endpoint_teardown(self):
        print("call pre teardown from cornerstone async!!!")

    async def pre_endpoint_call(self):
        print("call pre endpoint call from cornerstone async!!!")

    async def post_endpoint_call(self):
        print("call post endpoint call from cornerstone async!!!")

endpoint hooks

The framework provides abstract parent classes (EndpointHooks & EndpointAsyncHooks), every endpoint instance can setup hook instace inherited from the parent classes, and can use dependency objects of parent classes.

the following is the visibility of dependency objects regarding to each hook.

hook name app endpoint app_state
setup Yes Yes Yes
teardown Yes Yes Yes

If the visibility of one dependency object is Yes to one hook, i.e. this dependency can be used in the hook.

dependency objects are injected by framework, each object has its meaning like below:

name meaning
app the instance of FastAPI
endpoint the meta data of the endpoint that hook belong to
app_state this endpoint's state in app.state, hook can set key with value in this dict, and it can be accessed by['']['key'] in router implementation.

please check in the code for usages.

either of sync or async mode can be used.

hooks can be set in endpoint init file and three sub-modules(db/service/router) init file.


from example.endpoints_package1.house_price.service.implement import HousePriceModel
from example.endpoints_package1.house_price.config import DEFAULT_MODEL_PATH
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi_hive.ioc_framework.endpoint_hooks import EndpointHooks, EndpointAsyncHooks

class EndpointHooksImpl(EndpointHooks):

    def __init__(self):
        super(EndpointHooksImpl, self).__init__()

    def setup(self):
        print("call pre setup from EndpointHooksImpl (service)!!!")

        app_state = self.app_state
        app_state['house_price_model'] = HousePriceModel(DEFAULT_MODEL_PATH)

    def teardown(self):
        print("call pre teardown from EndpointHooksImpl (service)!!!")

class EndpointAsyncHooksImpl(EndpointAsyncHooks):

    def __init__(self):
        super(EndpointAsyncHooksImpl, self).__init__()

    async def setup(self):
        print("call pre setup from EndpointAsyncHooksImpl (service)!!!")

    async def teardown(self):
        print("call pre teardown from EndpointAsyncHooksImpl (service)!!!")